DevOps Training Course
Sambodhi and Education Nest provide a comprehensive Master DevOps Engineer training program that covers a range of DevOps tools, such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana. The hands-on course is designed to certify you as a practitioner in Continuous Development, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Monitoring. Taught by industry professionals and accredited by the global DevOps community, the curriculum incorporates real-world projects and hands-on practice to equip you with skills that meet current employer demands. Upon completion of the course, you’ll be equipped with knowledge and skills to utilize popular software such as Git, SVN, Docker, and Nagios. Mentees also gain access to a carefully curated collection of real-world experiences to enhance their learning.
Application Deadline: Sept 10, 2023
Upskill for Your Dream Job
Master DevOps Engineer Training Course
Sambodhi and Education Nest offers a comprehensive Master DevOps Engineer Training Course designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge in this rapidly evolving field. With a focus on live project-based training, participants gain practical experience while learning from industry experts with over 10 years of experience. The instructors at Sambodhi and Education Nest have developed unique teaching styles to ensure aspiring candidates can master the intricacies of DevOps. The course covers a wide range of topics, including continuous integration and deployment, infrastructure automation, containerization, and monitoring. By the end of the training, participants will have the confidence and expertise to implement DevOps practices, streamline software development and deployment processes, and enhance collaboration and efficiency within their organizations.
- 60 days of free Cloud Lab access worth ₹4000
- Live Online Classes starting on 15th Apr 2023




Instructor-led DevOps Engineer live online Training Schedule
May 15th – Weekend
SAT & SUN (24 Weeks) 08:30 PM to 11:30 PM (IST)
Sept. 16th – Weekend
SAT & SUN (24 Weeks) 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (IST)
Why enroll for DevOps Engineer Certificate Training Course?

DevOps is poised for robust growth, with a projected 22% increase in employment for software developers by 2029. The DevOps market is expected to reach $10.31 billion by 2023, with a 24.7% CAGR.

DevOps professionals are in high demand across finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and IT industries, with top MNCs like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM investing in DevOps for improved software development.

DevOps professionals experience substantial salary growth due to high demand, with average salaries of around $110,000 and potential earnings exceeding $200,000. Salaries can increase up to 20%.
DevOps Training Course Benefits
DevOps course by Sambodhi and Education Nest is essential for individuals looking to pursue a career in the fast-growing DevOps field. The program equips individuals with hands-on experience with various DevOps tools, preparing them to become certified practitioners in Continuous Development, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Monitoring. Successful completion of the course can lead to lucrative job opportunities as a DevOps Engineer in top-tier organizations. The program is designed to give individuals a competitive edge in the job market, helping them land high-paying jobs and positions as DevOps Engineers.

Annual Salary

Hiring Companies
Want to become a DevOps Professional?
Why DevOps Engineer Certificate Training Course from Education Nest

Live Interactive Learning
- World-Class Instructors
- Expert-Led Mentoring Sessions
- Instant doubt clearing

Key Highlights
- 150+ Hrs. Course
- Free Access to Future Updates
- 1 Year of Unlimited Access to Course Content

24x7 Support
- One-On-One Learning Assistance
- Help Desk Support
- Resolve Doubts in Real-time

Hands-On Project Based Learning
- Industry-Relevant Projects
- Course Demo Dataset & Files
- Quizzes & Assignments
- 1 Year subscription to LMS

Industry Recognised Certification
- Sambodhi & Education Nest Training Certificate
- Graded Performance Certificate
- Certificate of Completion

Scholarship And Fees
- Upto 50% Scholarship
- Availability of EMI payment
- International Payment options
DevOps Skills Covered
- DevOps methodology
- Implementing software version control
- Containerizing code on production using Docker
- Creating CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins
- Configuration management using Puppet and Ansible
- Performance tuning and monitoring using Nagios
- Automating build and test using Selenium and Maven
- Container orchestration using Kubernetes
DevOps Training Course Syllabus
- Overview of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Benefits of SDLC
- Types of SDLC
- Waterfall Model
- Iterative Model
- Agile Development Model
- Challenges with Traditional Development Models
- How DevOps helps solve various Industry Problems Agile with DevOps
- Agile vs DevOps
- DevOps Market Trends
- Source code management
- Continuous integration
- Continuous testing
- Continuous deployment
- Configuration management
- Continuous monitoring
- DevOps tools
- Introduction to Cloud
- Computing Infrastructure as Code (iac)
- Overview of Cloud Services for DevOps
- AWS DevOps
- Azure DevOps
- Google Cloud
- Managing basic Services
- Creating Instances on the Cloud
- Why Linux?
- Basic Linux commands for DevOps
- Files and directories
- Use management
- System management
- Software management
- Creating a simple shell script
- Yaml fundamentals
- Version control system
- Need for VCs (version control system)
- What is a VCs?
- Types of VCs
- Centralized
- Distributed
- Introduction to git
- What is git?
- Need for git
- Use-cases
- Getting started with git
- Git terminology
- Configuring git
- Command-line options
- Environment variables
- Configuration files
- Using the git config tool
- System level configuration
- Global level configuration
- Local level configuration
- Configuration commands
- List, unset, get, edit, etc.
- Client vs server configuration
- Overview of GitHub
- Git Repositories
- Local and Remote Repositories
- Working With Remote Repositories
- Initializing a Repository
- Cloning a Repository
- Displaying remotes
- Adding a Remote
- Fetching and Pulling from Remotes
- Pushing to Remote
- Inspecting a Remote
- Renaming and Removing a Remote
- Forking a Repository
- Git File Life Cycle
- Recording changes to the Repository
- Checking Status
- Tracking Files
- Staging Files
- Viewing Staged and Unstaged Changes
- Committing Changes
- Checking the Commit History
- Removing Files
- Moving Files
- Undoing Things – Reset, Checkout, Restore
- Branching in Git
- What is a Branch?
- Benefits of Branching
- Internal management of Branches
- Git Storage Strategy
- Object
- Head
- Origin Master
- Types of Branches
- Switching between branches and different commits
- Deleting Branches
- Two-way merge and Three-way merge
- Merge conflicts
- Resolving a merge conflict
- Merging strategies
- Resolve, recursive, octopus, ours, subtree, fast forward
- Merging and rebasing
- What is merging?
- What is rebasing?
- How does rebasing work?
- Advantages of rebasing
- Merging vs rebasing
- Git tags
- What is a tag?
- Types of tags
- Operations on tags
- M4 – git workflows
- What is a git workflow?
- Advantages of a workflow
- Several types of workflows in git
- Centralized workflow
- Feature branch workflow
- Gitflow workflow
- Forking workflow
- Git Plugins with Eclipse
- Install Eclipse IDE
- Install intellij IDE
- Configure the Git plugin with Eclipse
- Work with Git using Eclipse
- Work with Git Workflow on Eclipse IDE
- Explore GitHub UI Options”
- Git Server setup
- User Management
- Access Control for SSH and HTTP access
- SSH vs HTTPS -differences between the HTTPS and SSH Authentication Strategies
- Using our system’s terminal to generate a public and private SSH key pair that will allow us to use SSH authentication to log into our remote GitHub repository
- Using our newly generated GitHub key to set up SSH authentication to ease the process of pushing up to GitHub from our local system
- Gitlab
- Installation
- Administration
- Working using GitLab
- Introduction to continuous integration (CI)
- Need for CI
- Use-cases
- Advantages of CI
- Overview of Jenkins
- Features of Jenkins
- Applications of Jenkins/Use-cases
- Getting Started with Jenkins
- Jenkins Architecture and terms of Jenkins
- Overview of Jenkins UI
- Configuring Jenkins: Configure System, Environment
- Variables, URL
- Creating a Jenkins Job
- Configuring a Jenkins job
- Introduction to Plugins
- Need for Plugins
- What is a Plugin?
- Adding Plugins to Jenkins
- Commonly used plugins
- List common plugins e.g., Git, Docker, Jira, Maven,
- Slack Integration, Kubernetes, Pipeline, Amazon EC2,
- Performance, Performance Publisher
- Configuring Jenkins to work with
- Git and GitHub
- Maven
- Overview of Maven
- Why Use Maven?
- What is Maven?
- Maven Vs Gradle Vs Ant
- Working on Maven
- Maven Build Life Cycle
- Creating a Jenkins Build and Jenkins workspace
- Configure Jenkins to check for source code changes periodically
- Collaborating with Maven Build Jobs”
- Jenkins pipeline
- Jenkins continuous delivery pipeline
- Pipeline concepts
- Pipeline syntax
- Example/(s)
- Build jobs
- Creating a freestyle build job
- Introduction to build triggers and build steps
- Pre-and post-build actions: adding properties and properties files
- Running your new build job
- Parameterized builds
- Distributed builds
- Setting up email notifications
- Securing Jenkins
- Access control
- Disabling security
- Looking for foul Code through Code Coverage
- Activating and using of PMD Jenkins plugin
- Activating and using of Find bugs Jenkins plugin
- Verifying HTML Validity
- Reporting with java n CSS
- Jenkins with Gradle script build system
- Jenkins with shell script build system
- Managing Jenkins
- Gathering system information
- User management
- Monitoring Jenkins
- Plugins for reporting
- Plugins for code analysis
- Server maintenance
- Backup plugin
- Managing plugins
- Installing, uninstalling, and updating plugins
- Remote testing
- Deployment Overview
- Automated deployment
- Continuous deployment
- Deploying an application to an application server
- Install and configure tomcat
- Deployment of simple java web application using tomcat
- Jenkins builds a pipeline
- Parallel Jenkins build
- Archive-generated artifacts
- Jenkins integrations (GitHub, slack, custom API)
- Scaling Jenkins”
- Overview of Pipeline as code
- Overview of Pipeline Plugin
- Automated Jenkins Pipeline
- Introduction to Configuration Management (CM)
- Need for CM
- Use-cases
- What is infrastructure Orchestration?
- Infrastructure as Code
- Overview of Ansible
- Features
- Ansible Vs Others
- Configuring Ansible
- Ansible architecture
- Inventory management
- Build/create ansible inventory files
- Ansible modules
- Ansible roles directory structure
- Create ansible tasks
- Write ansible ad-hoc commands
- System facts
- Ansible CLI
- What is the Ansible playbook?
- Organizing Tasks in Playbook
- Introduction to YAML
- Writing a Playbook
- Using Variables in Playbooks
- Variables at runtime using ansible Facts
- Use handlers and Flow Control in Ansible scripts
- What are Ansible modules
- Using modules in Playbook
- Introduction to Ansible roles
- Using roles in Ansible Playbook.
- Configure Jinja2 templates
- Define, execute, and manage roles
- Manage inclusions or tasks and roles into another role
- Launch EC2 Instance on AWS (REHL or CENTOS)
- Install Ansible on AWS.
- Preparing Ansible to work with AWS
- Module support for Docker interaction
- Project based on Git, Jenkins, and Ansible
- Introduction to Terraform
- Why Use Terraform?
- What is Terraform?
- Use-cases
- Terraform Vs Others
- Using Terraform
- Terraform HCL
- Building an Infrastructure
- Updating an Infrastructure
- Destroying an Infrastructure
- Variables
- Software and Server Provisioning
- Attributes
- Remote State
- Modules
- Configuration Management using Ansible and Terraform
- Containerization
- History of Containers
- Namespaces and Cgroups
- Containers vs Virtual Machines
- Types of Containers
- Introduction to Docker
- Docker Architecture
- Container Lifecycle
- Docker CE vs Docker EE
- Configuring Logging Drivers
- Docker Terminology
- Port Binding
- Detached vs Foreground Mode
- Docker CLI
- Docker Exec
- Restart Policy
- Docker file
- Docker file Instructions
- Build Context
- Docker Image
- Docker Registry
- Docker storage
- Types of persistent storage
- Volumes
- Bind mounts
- Tmpfs mount
- Storage drivers
- Device mapper
- Docker clean up
- Docker compose
- Docker swarm
- Docker service
- Service placement
- Rolling update and rollback
- Docker stack
- Docker networking
- Network drivers
- Bridge network
- Overlay network
- Host and macvlan
- Docker security
- Docker content trust
- Securing the docker daemon
- Docker Enterprise
- Universal control plane (ucp)
- Ucp architecture
- Access control in ucp
- Docker trusted registry (DTR)
- Containerization recap
- What is container orchestration?
- Managing containers at scale
- Container orchestration tools
- Advantages of orchestration
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Kubernetes architecture
- Kubernetes core concepts
- Node status and node lease
- Kubectl common commands
- Understanding pods
- Configure network on cluster nodes
- Pod networking concepts
- Setting up a cluster – Kubernetes certificates
- Services and Controllers
- Service Networking
- Deploy and configure network Load Balancer
- Primitives necessary for self-healing apps
- Effects of resource limiting on pod scheduling
- Configure Kubernetes Scheduler
- Running multiple Schedulers
- Replica set and replication controller
- Daemon sets
- Deployments
- Rolling updates and Rollbacks
- Scaling applications
- Ingress
- Persistent volume and persistent volume claim
- Access modes for volumes
- Primitives for persistent volume claim
- Secrets and config maps in your pods
- Storage classes
- Headless services
- Stateful sets
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Kubernetes security primitives
- Configure Network Policies
- Security Contexts
- ETCD Operations
- Jobs
- Helm Charts
- Troubleshooting application failures
- Troubleshooting cluster failure
- What is Jenkins X?
- Setting up EKS with Jenkins X
- QuickStart projects
- Kubernetes Cluster with Jenkins X
- Full Pipeline with Jenkins-X P
- Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
- Getting started with Prometheus and Grafana
- Prometheus Architecture
- Prometheus Configuration
- Monitoring Servers with Prometheus
- Pushing Metrics
- Client Libraries and Exporters
- Querying
- Service Discovery
- Introduction to alerting
- Setting up an alerting system
- Prometheus storage
- Prometheus security
- Grafana provisioning
- Monitoring a web application
- Scraping Kubernetes with Prometheus
- Consul integration with Prometheus
- Ec2 auto-discovery
- Introduction to Nagios XI
- Nagios Architecture
- Setting up and Configuring Nagios XI
- Managing Users, Components, and Plugins
- Dashboards
- Monitoring using Nagios XI
- Views
- Scheduled Reporting
- Advanced Visualization
- Capacity Planning
- Audit Logging
- Log-server 2.0 architecture
- Log-server 2.0 interface
- Alerting on Data
- Setting up Alerting system
- Configuring Inputs, Outputs, and Filters
- Global Settings
- Auto Discovery
- Notifications
- Important Phases Involved in AWS DevOps
- AWS code commit
- Versioning in a code commit
- Working on AWS code commit
- AWS code pipeline
- Working on AWS code pipeline
- Concepts of code pipeline
- Input and Output Artifacts
- AWS code build
- Working on AWS code build
- AWS code deploys
- Primary Components
- Deployment Workflow: On A Lambda Platform and
- On EC2 Platform
- Application Specification File
- Deployment Types: In-Place Deployment and
- Blue/Green Deployment
- AWS code star
- Working on AWS code star”
- Infrastructure as code
- CloudFormation
- CloudFormation template
- Working on cloud formation
- Advanced CloudFormation Concepts
- Nesting
- Wait for Conditions and Wait for Handlers
- Helper Scripts
- Custom Resources
- Intrinsic Functions & Conditions
- Update Stack: Direct Update, Update Behavior,
- Change Sets, Stack policy
- CloudFormation Resource Deletion Policy
- CloudFormation Troubleshoots
- CloudFormation Best Practices”
- Elastic beanstalk
- Concepts of the elastic beanstalk
- Permissions
- Introduction to containers
- Application environment components
- Container v/s VM
- Docker: docker file, docker image, docker container
- Docker in beanstalk
- Deployment options
- Comparing the deployment methods
- Classification of platform updates
- Configuration files
- Alarms and notification
- Troubleshooting
- Beanstalk v/s CloudFormation”
- Using ECS, ECR, and EKS
- ECS Introduction
- Need for ECS
- ECS Cluster
- ECS Task Definition
- ECS Service
- ECS Service with a load balancer
- Deploy an application over the ECS cluster
- ECR Introduction
- Need for ECR
- Push an image to ECR
- Need for EKS
- EKS Cluster
- Deploy web app with MySQL on EKS Kubernetes Cluster
- Autoscaling of cluster using AWS EKS
Like the curriculum? Get started
Why Enroll for “DevOps Training Course”
- At A Glance
- Duration: 150 hours | Weekends | Sat-Sun
- Level of effort: 4 hours per week
- Modality: Online with live classroom sessions and groups assignments
- Limited & partial scholarships available for candidates based on merit
- Discounts on course fees in case of institutional sponsorship, group enrolments, and for participants from grassroots organisations
- Training by corporate professionals and experts with 10+ years of experience in the Cloud Computing training industry
- Language: English
- Requirements: access to laptop and internet
- Industry-relevant curriculum designed by industry experts
- 60 hours of Capstone project and exercises
- 1-year subscription to enterprise-grade Learning Management System (LMS)
- Globally accredited recognition for students
- Availability of scholarships and EMI payment options
- Training on weekends to cater to working professionals
- Last date for application: 1st Sept 2023
- Commence date: 16 Sept.
DevOps Training Projects

DevOps projects have become increasingly vital in the retail industry, transforming the way companies operate and deliver software solutions. In the retail sector, DevOps practices enable organizations to enhance their agility, streamline software development and deployment processes, and improve customer experiences. By adopting continuous integration and delivery, retailers can quickly introduce new features, updates, and bug fixes to their e-commerce platforms, mobile applications, and inventory management systems. DevOps also facilitates seamless collaboration between development and operations teams, ensuring faster time to market and reducing downtime. With efficient DevOps implementation, retailers can optimize their online presence, offer personalized shopping experiences, and adapt to rapidly changing consumer demands, ultimately driving business growth and customer satisfaction.

Industry- IT
DevOps projects play a vital role in the IT industry, revolutionizing software development and delivery processes. By promoting collaboration between development and operations teams, DevOps aims to streamline workflows, enhance communication, and improve efficiency. These projects involve automating infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and continuous integration and deployment pipelines. DevOps practices enable organizations to achieve faster time-to-market, frequent and reliable software releases, and greater stability in production environments. Additionally, by implementing practices such as infrastructure as code and containerization, DevOps projects enable scalability, flexibility, and cost optimization. In the rapidly evolving IT industry, DevOps projects are essential for organizations to stay competitive, drive innovation, and deliver value to their customers.
DevOps Training Description
The DevOps course offers comprehensive training to individuals seeking to gain expertise in this dynamic field. Participants will learn the principles and practices of DevOps, including continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure automation. The course covers various tools and technologies used in DevOps environments, such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes. Through hands-on exercises and real-world projects, students will develop practical skills in setting up CI/CD pipelines, managing infrastructure as code, and implementing containerization. Experienced instructors guide participants throughout the course, providing valuable insights and best practices. By completing the DevOps course, individuals will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive efficient software development processes and enhance collaboration within organizations.
The objectives of the DevOps course are as follows:
- Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of DevOps and its significance in the IT industry.
- Learn the tools and technologies used in DevOps environments, such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes.
- Gain proficiency in setting up and managing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
- Develop skills in automating infrastructure provisioning and configuration management using tools like Ansible or Chef.
- Learn about containerization technologies and how to deploy applications using containers.
- Understand the importance of collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.
- Acquire knowledge of monitoring and logging techniques to ensure the stability and performance of deployed applications.
- Explore best practices for version control, code review, and release management in a DevOps context.
- Gain practical experience through hands-on exercises and real-world projects.
- Prepare for a career in DevOps by acquiring the skills and knowledge required to drive efficient and collaborative software development processes.
Learning a DevOps course offers several compelling reasons to pursue this field. Here are some key points on why one should consider learning DevOps:
Enhanced Career Prospects: DevOps professionals are in high demand, and acquiring DevOps skills opens up a wide range of job opportunities in the IT industry.
Efficient Software Development Lifecycle: DevOps practices streamline and automate software development processes, leading to faster, more reliable releases and improved overall efficiency.
Collaboration and Communication: DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development, operations, and other teams, fostering better communication and teamwork.
Continuous Integration and Delivery: DevOps enables the implementation of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing for rapid and frequent software releases.
Infrastructure Automation: Learning DevOps equips individuals with the knowledge to automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and deployment processes.
Scalability and Flexibility: DevOps leverages containerization and cloud technologies, enabling organizations to scale their applications and infrastructure efficiently.
Improved Product Quality: DevOps practices focus on testing, monitoring, and feedback loops, leading to higher-quality software products and improved customer satisfaction.
Agile and Agile-like Methodologies: DevOps aligns well with agile methodologies, promoting iterative development, faster feedback cycles, and adaptive planning.
Industry Relevance: DevOps has become a standard practice in many organizations, and staying updated with DevOps skills ensures professional relevance and competitiveness.
Continuous Learning and Growth: DevOps is a rapidly evolving field with new tools and technologies emerging. Learning DevOps offers opportunities for continuous learning, skill development, and professional growth.
By learning DevOps, individuals can gain a competitive edge, contribute to efficient software delivery, and advance their careers in the dynamic IT industry.
Anyone working in Operations or Development and Engineering teams can opt for a career in DevOps. Students need to have a graduate degree or professional IT diploma. Technical background and a basic understanding of Linux, web development, and Java programming are necessary.
Individuals working in the following roles will benefit the most from the DevOps Certification course:
- IT Team Leaders
- Software Developers
- Systems Administrators and IT Managers
- Cloud Engineers
- Developers
- IT professionals
- Software testers
- System administrators
- Solutions architects
- Security engineers
- Application developers
- Integration specialists
The pre-requisites for the DevOps course are as follows:
Basic Understanding of Software Development: Familiarity with software development concepts, such as programming languages, version control, and software development lifecycle, is beneficial.
Linux Fundamentals: Basic knowledge of the Linux operating system, including command-line operations and file management, is helpful as many DevOps tools and technologies are primarily used in Linux environments.
Networking Concepts: Understanding networking fundamentals, including IP addresses, protocols, and network configuration, is advantageous for managing network-related tasks in a DevOps context.
Scripting and Automation: Proficiency in at least one scripting language, such as Python, Bash, or PowerShell, is beneficial for writing automation scripts and managing infrastructure as code.
Familiarity with Cloud Platforms: Knowledge of cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud is useful as many DevOps practices involve deploying and managing applications in cloud environments.
Basic Understanding of Virtualization: Familiarity with virtualization technologies like VMware or VirtualBox is advantageous for comprehending containerization concepts and tools like Docker.
System Administration Skills: Having a basic understanding of system administration tasks, such as user management, file permissions, and package installation, can be beneficial for working with DevOps tools and configuring infrastructure.
In addition to the mentioned courses, Sambodhi and Education Nest offer a range of other niche courses to cater to diverse learning needs. Some of the notable courses include:
Cassandra: Learn Cassandra, a highly scalable and distributed NoSQL database, to handle large amounts of data across multiple servers while ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.
Informatica: Gain expertise in Informatica, a leading data integration and management tool, to extract, transform, and load data from various sources, enabling efficient data integration and analysis.
Teradata: Master Teradata, a powerful analytics platform used by major organizations, to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data, enabling data-driven decision-making and business insights.
OpenShift: Explore OpenShift, a containerization platform developed by Red Hat, to build, deploy, and manage applications in a containerized environment, providing scalability and flexibility.
MongoDB: Discover MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, and learn how to store, retrieve, and manage data in a flexible and scalable manner, empowering efficient data handling.
Hadoop: Learn Hadoop, an open-source framework, and understand how to process and analyze large datasets in a distributed computing environment, enabling Big Data processing and analytics.
Data Science: Dive into the world of Data Science and learn techniques to extract insights from data, apply statistical analysis, and build predictive models to drive informed decision-making.
Salesforce: Develop expertise in Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, to manage customer data, automate sales processes, and optimize customer engagement.
WebLogic: Gain knowledge of WebLogic, an application server platform, to deploy, manage, and scale Java applications, ensuring efficient performance and high availability.
Agile using Scrum: Understand Agile principles and the Scrum framework, enhancing project management skills for efficient and adaptive project delivery.
These courses provide professionals with the opportunity to expand their skill set and stay relevant in the ever-evolving IT industry.
DevOps Certificate Training Course reviews
Read learner testimonials
Sachin P.
Sambodhi's trainers were highly knowledgeable. They are well-equipped with a variety of questions and topics that were clarified and discussed in a clear and concise manner. They gave me real-world scenario examples while explaining concepts. It greatly aided me in passing several technical interviews in reputable MNCs.
Ivan K.
I am extremely satisfied with this training program. The course content is excellent, and the trainers are exceptional. They made the classes engaging and interactive, greatly enhancing my understanding of the concepts. The availability of recordings for revision after the course is a significant advantage. Additionally, the lifetime access provided ensures flexibility in completing the training without time constraints. I highly recommend this course.
Keshava S.
Sambodhi is a reputable online learning platform offering diverse courses in IT, data science, cloud computing, and more. I took the professional DevOps course, which provided quality content and expert instructors. It's a reliable platform for skill enhancement. Thank you for providing such a remarkable learning experience.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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DevOps Training FAQs
If you miss an online DevOps Training class, it’s important to reach out to the instructor or the support team of the online training platform you are using. They may be able to provide you with a recording or transcript of the missed class, so that you can catch up on what you missed. Alternatively, some platforms offer on-demand access to class materials, so you can go back and review the content on your own time. It’s always a good idea to try and make up the missed material as soon as possible, so that you don’t fall behind in your learning.
If you have queries after completing an online DevOps Training course, Education Nest training platforms offer some form of post-course support. This may include access to a dedicated support team, a community forum where you can ask questions and connect with other learners, or even one-on-one sessions with an instructor or coach. If you have specific questions or concerns related to the course material, you can reach out to the instructor directly or use the support channels provided by the platform. It’s always a good idea to clarify any doubts or questions you may have, as this will help to solidify your understanding of the material and ensure that you can apply what you’ve learned in a real-world context.
DevOps is a collaborative approach that combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, practices, and tools to streamline software development, delivery, and operations processes. It focuses on breaking down silos between teams, fostering communication, and integrating development, testing, deployment, and operations activities. DevOps aims to achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), automate infrastructure provisioning and management, and foster a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. By adopting DevOps practices, organizations can improve software quality, accelerate time-to-market, enhance scalability and stability, and respond quickly to customer feedback and market changes.
The timing of when you get access to learning content after signing up for an online DevOps Training course will depend on the specific training platform you are using. In most cases, you should receive access to the learning content immediately upon signing up, or shortly after your payment has been processed. Some platforms may require you to complete an enrolment process or set up an account before you can access the content. It’s always a good idea to check the specific details of the course or platform you are using, as the timing and process may vary. If you are experiencing any issues accessing the learning content, you should contact the support team of the training platform for assistance.
Once you enrol in DevOps Training course, you will typically have access to the course material for as long as the course remains available on the platform. This means that you can revisit the material at any time, even after you have completed the course, and continue to learn and improve your skills. The benefit of lifetime access to the learning material is that it allows you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. You can review the content as many times as you need to fully understand the concepts and techniques covered in the course. Additionally, if you encounter a new challenge in your work or personal life, you can go back to the course material to find solutions and strategies to help you overcome the challenge. Having access to course material for a lifetime is a valuable benefit, as it allows you to continue to improve your skills and knowledge long after you have completed the course. So, if you are interested in improving your Communication skill, build confidence and want the flexibility to learn at your own pace, consider enrolling in DevOps Training course that offers lifetime access to the learning material.
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